Friday, April 4, 2008

Just Names on a Wall

Upon the black stone, within a gash in the ground,
The names of fifty thousand, engraved there are found.

I reach out my hand, to a name in the stone,
The world may forget, but to me he is known.

He lost his life, whiles cowards stay free,
He could have run north, but he was like me.

The way we were raised, we heeded the call,
Like our fathers before, who gave it their all.

They fought their wars, so we could be free,
Like our fathers before, it was our duty.

Now you have been gone, these many years,
You left me alone, alone in my tears.

To the world you're just a name, chiseled here in this wall.
But your spirit lives on, because nightly you call.

"Oh remember me", in my dreams you do plea,
As I shudder awake, and sleep it does flee."

"Do not forget, our names on this wall,
We fought for a cause, when our nation did call."

"Do not forget, the price that we paid,
We sweated and bled, we struggled, we stayed."

We gave our all, to a war that was lost,
How can you repay, the price that it cost."

"Don't allow our blood, to have been spilled in vain,
Stand for the values, for which we were slain."

"Remember.....remember, Oh, remember us."

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